BFA - Painting '82 - Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, Ma. After establishing a backdrop business in 1985 I began seriously photographing and painting my adventures. Beginning in 1992 I spent several years in Jamaica making friends and selling postcards of my paintings. I would rent a car, fill the trunk with postcards and circle the island making deliveries to the resort hotels and painting in my hotel room at night. Helping me along the way was a strong resemblance to Chuck Norris who was very popular in Jamaica. In December 2000, realizing it was a short flight from Montego Bay, I made my way to Cuba for the 1st time. Another beautiful island ....a magical place... frozen in time. In 2005 Block Island became my next island destination to explore, photograph and paint. Mark J. Hunt June 2015 A collection of positive images of people living with disabilities. Hand painted and custom, large painted backdrops for sale or rent to commercial photographers, movie production companies, dance studios and television stations. |
Stock Photographer
Getty images Alamy Age Disability Images |
© Copyright 2020 Mark Hunt. All artwork is the property of Mark Hunt and may not be copied or reproduced without the artist's permission.